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B-Movie Sites

3-B Theater - An amazing B-Movie review website! It has great graphics, and plenty of informative reviews that will make you laugh out loud! This site is a must see!

Bad Movies.Org - Simply one of the best b-movie review sites on the web! Read hilarious, well written reviews complete with pictures, sound files, and movie clips! Andrew's site is definitely a must see! This was the second B-Movie site I ever came across and remains in my all time top five.

Bad Movie Realm - A website dedicated to the celebration and appreciation of the worst, most maligned films ever created. "It's our goal to raise awareness of these obscure, bizarre, and (in our opinion) wonderful little films, so together we can revel in the cheap sets, delight in the silly rubber monsters, and take obscene pleasure in the laughable special effects that only these so-called “bad movies” can offer."

Bleeding Skull - Spooky trash from beyond the grave! Journey with your pal Bleeding Skull as he reviews countless trash films on both DVD and VHS - a near forgotten medium these days, but the only source for many classic crap movies.

The B-Movie Film Vault - My good friend Jordan, who founded the Rogue Reviewers back in the day, is still going strong after all these years. Be sure to visit his site and see what a true lover of bad movies is all about when you read his work. He also posts regular news items and a weekly list of new films on DVD and Bluray with which you can "stock your vault."

Cape Jeer - A site devoted to only examining films based on comic books or graphic novels.

Films From Beyond the Time Barrier - Focuses on obscure but worthwhile B horror, sci-fi, fantasy and mystery-thriller movies from the 1930s through the 1970s. This blog is dedicated to the notion that entertainment gold can be found in some pretty unlikely places.

Girls, Guns & Ghouls - Australian site with a bunch of really well written reviews and a webmaster who calls himself Boris Lugosi.

Iniquity Films - A B-Movie review site with many a good review. He doesn't update often, but the quality of the reviews makes up for that.

Insomniac Mania.com - Great site that keeps you up to date on everything coming out of Hollywood. Also includes weekend box office totals and submitted artwork, not to mention lots of reviews.

Knobbygirl.com - A well established movie review website (started back in 1994!) that is run by (GASP!) a woman! There are many good reviews here so check out the site (unless you're a male chauvanist).

The Midnight Palace - Extremely gorgeous and classy site focusing on all those awesome classics we all love so much.  This one is an absolute must see.

Monsters A Go-Go - A nice looking site focusing on classic monsters.  Here you'll find reviews, features and more.

The Monster Shack - Dennis is a former Rogue and a huge fan of monster movies old and new and he's constantly updating his site with new reviews and articles.

MRQE.com - The Movie Review Query Engine is one of the best places on the web to search for a review on any movie you can think of. Have a review site of your own? Then contact the webmaster and ask if your reviews can be part of the every growing search engine.

Mutant Reviewers From Hell - An online group of movie reviewers who maintain their own community, complete with gatherings, tons of reviews, articles and much more.

Really Bad Movies - A fairly new site with reviews for a wide variety of b-movies that are divided into both OLD (e.g. "Plan 9 From Outer Space") and NEW (e.g. "Parasite") categories.

Reel Bad - Travels to the island of misfit films to find the interesting, provocative, accidentally entertaining or obscure and forgotten... and to drag recaps and reviews back kicking and screaming. Also manages to make enough screencaps to keep Google Images' stranger search terms well fed.

Reel Opinions - Ryan makes it a point to see darn near every new movie to hit the cineplex and then review it...even the really crappy ones. Talk about devotion and fortitude! If you're looking for info on new films playing at your theater, check out these well written and thought provoking reviews.

Rotten Tomatoes - A gi-normous database of (I assume) every damned reviewer on the web. If you're looking for information or some reviews for a movie, this is definitely one of the first stops you should make (after checking out the Rogue Reviewer's Review Directory of course).

Savage Cinema - A new site that celebrates B-Movies, Cult Movies, and Trash Films! The reviews are short, but very well written and overall it's a great looking site! And when you're visiting, be sure to visit the 100% Weird and Previously Viewed sections!





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